Monday, July 11, 2016

Siblings' visit Part 10: Saanen Dairy Goat Farm

Just after we arrived at the Saanen Dairy Goat Farm, it rained quite heavily.  We didn't mind, the clean and covered goat farm kept us well entertained.  A free attraction in Balik Pulau, this goat farm is a nice half day trip for families with young children.  Minimal smell due to good ventilation, hands on interaction with the stars of the farm and a small store which sells goat milk, goat mild pudding and homemade bread.

Saanen Dairy Goat Farm
Opens daily from 10am - 5pm
298 Mukim 1 Sungai Pinang, 11010 Balik Pulau, Penang, Malaysia

My niece Sophia enjoyed feeding the goats.
Sarah busy feeding her friends.
Sister Jing with a friendly goat.
Mitch was the surprise scaredy cat of the day haha
Our brother Rap finally got over his fear of the goats.  The first time he visited, he was so scared he didn't go near the goats at all.

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