Sunday, July 10, 2016

June Half Marathon Run - Garmin Malaysia for Runners 2016

For this month, I ran 21km at the Garmin Malaysia for Runners 2016 event at the Penang Chinese Hall at Georgetown, Penang.

This was my fastest half marathon run at 2:35:26.  There was no intention to win at all, just a personal goal to better my time and finish under 2 hours 40 minute.  Placing 10th at the Women International category is a surprisingly wonderful bonus.

Now my next goal is to finish under 2:30:00!

All these monthly half marathon runs are in preparation for one of my bucket lists, completing a full marathon (42km)by November at the Penang Bridge International Marathon.  Expectation is just to finish under the 7-hour mark qualifying time.

10th placer Women International Category :)

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