Monday, July 11, 2016

Japan 2015: Hozugawa River Cruise

We took the Hozugawa River Cruise at a small pier, a 10 minute walk from the JR Kameoka station. It was a 1.5 hour boat ride through the Hozugawa river with very mild rapids along the scenic route. The ride ended at Arashiyama town, near the Togetsukyo Bridge.

Four boatmen steered the boat along the route - two in front did the rowing, one in front did the commentaries while fending off rocks with a long bamboo stick, and the last guy at the rear. The boatmen's commentaries were unfortunately only in Japanese.  A couple of stationary boats near the end of the tour sold barbecued squids and cold drinks.  The squid was good as well as the Asahi beer in can!

Tour ended near the Togetsukyo Bridge at the touristy Arashiyama town.

From Japan Guide:

Hozugawa River Cruises (保津川下り, Hozugawa Kudari) are sightseeing boat rides down the Hozugawa River from Kameoka to Arashiyama. The cruises utilize traditional style, flat bottomed boats piloted by boatmen who guide the craft with oars and bamboo poles. The boats take about two hours to leisurely make their way down the river and are a relaxing way to see the natural scenery of the largely undeveloped ravine. The river cruises are often combined with a ride on the Sagano Scenic Railway.

JR Kameoka station
A leisurely 10 minute walk to the small pier
River cruise ticket station and waiting area
Boarding time
The boats have a capacity of 40 and have wooden plank seats.  Life vests were mandatory only for the kids on board.
There were four pole men on board, three in front and another at the back.

Leaving the boarding site just behind the bridge. 
Family selfie on board
Scenery along the still calm waters
The boatmen pointed to this area, a small shrine perhaps?
Clean river water
Another family selfie

About to pass a train bridge
Mild rapids up ahead
Another boat caught up with us
Milk time =)
Snacks and drinks for sale
Got my grilled squid from this boat
Our boat at the end of the tour.
The Togetsukyo Bridge 

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