Monday, July 11, 2016

Japan 2015: Arashiyama district, Tenryu-ji Temple and Bamboo Forest

After the Hozugawa boat ride, we arrived at the lovely Arashiyama district late afternoon.  We walked for about 15 minutes towards the famed Bamboo Forest.  Ravi and Sarah opted to go inside the Tenryu-ji Temple while I proceeded to explore the Bamboo Forest.

We had a nice dinner at an upper level Japanese restaurant before walking to the nearest JR station for the trip back to Tokyo.

From Japan Guide:

Arashiyama (嵐山) is a pleasant, touristy district in the western outskirts of Kyoto. The area has been a popular destination since the Heian Period (794-1185), when nobles would enjoy its natural setting. Arashiyama is particularly popular during the cherry blossom and fall color seasons.
The Togetsukyo Bridge is Arashiyama's well known, central landmark. Many small shops, restaurants and other attractions are found nearby, including Tenryuji Temple, Arashiyama's famous bamboo groves and pleasure boats that are available for rent on the river.

A very pleasant area
Shops and restaurants abound in the Arashiyama district
A cemetery en route to the Bamboo Forest
Start of the Bamboo forest

Tourists in geisha getup

Followed Ravi and Sarah into the picturesque Tenryuji temple built in 1339
The main hall, Hojo, of the World Heritage site temple
On temple grounds, gravel is used since it does not easily gets disturbed compared to sand.
My little monkey at the zen pond

Exiting the temple
Yummy dinner
Farewell shot along the pretty Arashiyama district
Local treats
London Books store
A 10 minute walk from the main street of Arashiyama.

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