Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Trick of Treat 2015 at Straits Quay

For Halloween this year, Sarah's costume was Snow White and Reena was in a pirate girl getup. Ravi accompanied his girls to Straits Quay for trick or treat, the second year we've joined the mall's event. Apparently this year's attendance was almost 3x more from the previous year.  Halloween trick or treating is getting bigger in Penang, hopefully more malls will celebrate next year.

I bought the Snow White dress second hand from an expat family a couple of years back.  It already fit Sarah this year so that became her costume, easy peasy.   Reena's pirate costume idea was researched from google.  Good thing we had a cowboy hat in the house, I DIY'd it to become a pirate hat then chose a red striped shirt with black vest to complete the look.  I forgot to buy them treat bags so last minute had to DIY at home.  One was decorated as a mummy while the other had orange felt paper wrapped around the bag with a simple jack-o'-lantern drawn on one side and a couple of pirate signs printed and stuck on another side.  They didn't mind, they were focused on getting it filled up with treats haha

Ravi took just a few photos, no surprise there :)

They met Sarah's friend, Raine and her family, trick or treating there as well.  Raine and her younger sister Daphne were dressed up as Princess Elsa and Anna, respectively.

Reena as a pirate girl, Raine as Elsa and Sarah as Snow White (more like Snow Brown!).   I DIY'd the kids treat bags since I forgot to buy. 
Three princesses - Anna, Elsa and Snow White (or Brown =))

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