Sunday, February 01, 2015

Sarah turns 4!

My Sarah is 4 years old! 
In between Sarah's hospital admission due to influenza A, she was home for a few days in time to celebrate her 4th birthday on January 17th.  In lieu of her illness, we skipped having a kids' party and decided on an intimate family affair this year.

We had a simple cake and birthday singing after lunch.  We asked her to make a wish before blowing the candles,  and boy were we flabbergasted!  Her wish?  "I wish to be ME forever!"  I was kinda expecting she asks for her current favorites My Little Pony or Paw Patrol toys.  Boy, that was a deep wish for a 4 year old!
Daddy gave her a kiss!
She then started taking out the petals of the white and yellow chrystanthemum flowers I bought her. And began throwing it up in the air, like confetti.  Instead of scolding her not to ruin the flowers, I joined in!  Her response after all the flower confetti throwing?  Shouting "This is the best birthday ever!" Repeatedly.  Enthusiastically.  Happily.

"This is the best birthday ever!!!"  Excuse the 'artworks' on the wall.
Fun birthday at home :)

Afternoon, we checked in at Shangrila's Rasa Sayang Resort and Spa at Batu Ferringhi.  My company gave me some hotel vouchers last year and I've set it aside for use on Sarah's birthday.  We went all out and stayed at the Rasa Wing, adding a bit more compared to the Garden Wing.  Perks at the Rasa Wing include afternoon tea between 3-4pm which includes pasties, sandwiches and cakes; cocktail hour from 5:30-7pm where they serve pre-dinner canapes with alcoholic beverages and a larger room size with a balcony bath tub!  All we can say is wow on the hotel's fantastic amenities and impeccable service.  Truly deserves Penang's luxury 5-star rating.

I prepared Sarah's gifts in the room while Ravi took her for a walk.  She was excited and happy in opening her presents.  "This is the best birthday ever!" cheers came out again :)

Gifts for the birthday girl.
My two loves :)
Balcony view towards the right 
View straight down.  We had a pleasant time on those pools after breakfast the following day.
The three of us enjoyed this tub that night, another fun experience!
We spent the rest of the weekend enjoying the place until it was time to say goodbye to our amazing birthday staycation.

Sarah, you are growing too fast for mama's liking.  Happy birthday to my not-so-little one!

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