Thursday, February 05, 2015

A visit to Enchanted Kingdom

Enchanted Kingdom is the Philippines' lone theme park, located at Sta. Rosa, Laguna.  It's locally known as EK, a 20-minute drive from my mother's house using the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX).

Sarah and Sofi truly enjoyed their first visit to EK!  I cannot recall when my last visit was, for sure it was more than 10 years ago.  This visit was centered more on the kiddie rides but the grown ups didn't mind.  The company tag line "The magic lives on." holds true for kids and kids at heart!

We meet again Mr. Wizard of EK.
Enjoying the Grand Carousel ride...a couple of times!
Stone age trains
EK's ferris wheel
Riding the Wheel of Fate.
Stopping by one of the colorful game booths

Kiddie rides for Sarah and Sofi.  They were so cute, being brave for each other.
Ball play
More kiddie rides for the girls
Rap kissing the Wizard :)

Anchor's Away.  I rode once upon a time and never again I say haha
Watched a live cabaret show at Rialto; Rap queued up for a photo op with the cute guy!
One last carousel ride before we called it a day.

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