Monday, February 23, 2015

Penang Youth Park

An outdoor park that we frequently visit is Penang Youth Park, now known as Penang Municipal Park.  

It's a recreational park that has something for everyone in the family.  Children's playground, rollerblade/skate rink, football/multi-purpose field, water park, public pool, giant chess set, reflexology paths, exercise equipment and archery range are just some of what the park offers.  

For now though, the children's playground is more than enough for Sarah.  It was recently spruced up with new playground equipment.  The great thing about this playground is even if families arrive mid-day, the old trees provide ample shade.  I just pick a spot to sit down and watch an eye over Sarah as she burns up her energies running here and there.  I bring enough snacks and drinks each time we drop by here.

This was new.  And great fun!  
This was also a recent addition.
Rollerblade/skate rink 
Sarah always go for the swings.   Our apartment playground doesn't have this so she gets her swing time only when we visit here.
It was noon when we arrived hence the lesser crowd. 
Outdoor exercise equipment.  I'm pretty sure they made these for the parents, so they can also get some sweat time while watching over kids. 
Swings for toddlers 
Slides, slides.
I saw some rollerbladers at the rink.
Sarah made new friends, as always.  She prefers to befriend older kids.
Colorful slides.
I love this swing's location, right under an old, old tree.  
I love, love, love this playground! 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Countryside Stables at Balik Pulau, Penang

We all had a great afternoon at the Countryside Stables early this month.   It was only recently I found out about this place and the girls got all excited when we told them we'll go that weekend.  

They have about 30 horses of different breeds and types, with a couple of deers and several donkeys also in house.  The place opens daily from 3pm - 7:30pm only.  The owners sell drinks and ice cream to cool down from the heat.

Entrance fees are RM5 for adults and RM3 for children below 12 years old.  
Horse ride for children costs RM20 and RM25 for adults.

Hello deer!
One can buy a small bucket of hay for feeding the horses and deers, RM2 a piece.
Sarah meets the cute ponies.

The stable is pretty clean and well organized.  The walkways are shaded and there's a visitor rest area further down, the green roof at the left end.
A few ponies roam freely for visitors to pet and feed.
Safety first! Check out the rows of kiddie and adult size helmets.
Sarah and Reena were provided with disposable shower caps before putting on their helmets. 
Sarah got a small pony, with a friendly escort.
Reena was given a tween horse!
Enjoying their horse ride. 
Truly a countryside stable :) 
Hello wave.
She can't get enough of this pony.
Ice cream time for everyone!
Interesting wall decors, mostly hooves!
One last goodbye before we left.

A simple birthday

Ravi's birthday this year was low key, as he requested it to be.  No fancy dinner, just a cake and a flower basket for the man of the house.   Many happy returns to my husband and best friend, Ravi.  We love you always!

Someone's eagerly waiting for the candle blowing ceremony :)
Sarah blew the candles for Daddy!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Happy Chinese New Year!

Penang, being a Chinese dominant state, is very well dolled up for this year's Chinese New Year.  We've taken pictures around town a couple of weeks before CNY and every where was already festively decorated.  We actually spent the first day of CNY at Lost World of Tambun, our third visit in 8 months!

Our visit to Kok Lok Si temple will be much later to thin the crowds.  The temple evening lights are a sight to behold every Chinese New Year.  More of that after our visit.

Gong Xi Fa Cai from Lost World of Tambun, first day of CNY! 
We had fun paddling the swan boat across the lake. 
A kid feeding milk to a (goat) kid =)
Sarah, with matching puppy eyes, asked if we can take the kid back home.
I said the kid will miss its mama goat so it has to stay, then she said ok.  
CNY decors at Queensbay Mall
"Mama, take my picture here."
Queensbay mall atrium with full on CNY decorations.
Another request to have her picture taken. Granted of course!
Lion dance cakes lined up at the local bakeshop.  Cool designs!
Last Sunday's Occupy Beach Street (OBS) snapshot.
At Beach Street's Year of the Goat ornaments
Red lanterns at the Kuan Yin Temple (Goddess of Mercy Temple)
Gurney Plaza's atrium
At the stage of Gurney Plaza's CNY decorations
Outside G Hotel, beside Gurney Plaza
A prosperous Year of the Goat/Sheep to all!