Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Boracay 2015: Fun in the sand

On our last morning after breakfast, we walked to the end of Station 3. We passed by a group of local kids playing on a simple rope swing.  It looked sooo fun that we queued up to try it out.

Yummy breakfast at Sunny Side Cafe, big servings!
Happy faces while on a hammock.
My sister Jing was the first to swing away!
Sarah tried too :)
Reached the end of White beach at Station 3  
Sofi and Lola Merly
Superhero Sarah!
Mama's jump shot :)
Playing on a tire swing this time.
My sister Abet showing off her moves.
Sofi overcame her fear and tried the tire swing as well.
On the way back, I tried the rope swing myself :)
Not to be outdone, Lola Merly gave it a shot too! 

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