Monday, June 01, 2015

Immigration mini-woes and the first Penang bridge

I renewed my work stamp at the Immigration Office a couple of weeks back.

Being a citizen's spouse, my company doesn't need to process a work permit for me.  As long as my social visit pass is valid, Immigration will simply put a 'permit to work' stamp on my passport, renewable each year.  The past three years though, additional requirements have been constantly added when there was none for my first four years here in Malaysia.  This year, one has to submit a lot of paperwork with a 2-week waiting period, instead of previous years' same day application.

This year, I'm applying for my permanent residency (PR) with an interview schedule mid-August. Once approved, I need not go through the hassle of annually renewing my visa and work permit stamp.  I've heard others applying for PR several times and more than 10 years before being approved.  Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well on my first attempt.

Anyway, the bright side of that experience was passing through Penang's first bridge that hazy afternoon.  Coming back to the island, I captured several shots of the main span with the towers and picked this shot below.

One can faintly see the outlines of the hills of Penang just above the cars' horizon.  It was that hazy.

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