Tuesday, June 09, 2015

A heritage weekend at Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion and Penang State Museum

The very opulent foyer of the Blue Mansion
Two weekends ago, we hopped around Georgetown with Ravi's visitors, Greg and Prashant.  We took them for a guided tour at Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion, better known as the Blue Mansion.  Guided tours are scheduled at 11am, 1pm and 3pm daily with a RM12 ticket.

Had an Italian lunch at Via Pre along Weld Quay before we visited the Penang State Museum with a RM1 entrance fee.

Look up!
Door knocker
Sarah preferred the garden outside.  It would soon rain afterwards.
Stained glass windows
Outside the main house
Stolen shots of Prashant and Greg
Old floor tiles
The captive audience
One of the restored stairs
The inner courtyard
Sarah played in the rain!
The tour continued at the upper floor.
The courtyard was flooded from the rain.  There's hidden drains that keeps the water out after a downpour.
Last part of the guided tour.


Penang State Museum.  Sarah walks by the three dominant races in Malaysia - Malays, Chinese and Indians.
Stolen shot of the boys.
Samples of different spices.
Insignia of the British East India Company
Trying the rickshaw
Congkak in Malay or sungka in Filipino
Kris (sword)
Traditional Malay wedding

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