Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sick mode

​I​ was on sick mode last week.  Got admitted 3D/2N at Island's Hospital and was asked to rest ​the remainder of the week.  It was a combination of flu, cough, colds and (right) ear infection.   Monday morning was supposed to be a quick outpatient visit to get some antibitotics as the normal OTC medicines were not effective and the ear pain became intolerable.  However, it became an automatic admission when I fainted at the registration counter.  I was rushed at the emergency room where it was found my BP’s very low, with numbness on my arms and legs for some time too.

This happened when Ravi was on business trip to the US.  Sarah and our helper, Ann, visited me during the hospital stay and looked after me after I got discharged.

Still on antibiotics this week.  Side effects are drowsiness and semi-deaf right ear.   I'm taking it easy at work though.

Work has been seriously stressful since December due to some major customer issues.  Another colleague working on the same team also got hospitalized and attributed it to work stress as well.  It's a reminder to slow down and not let work consume us at the expense of our health.  Take care everyone.

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