Monday, March 17, 2014

Hopeful ending for MH370's fate

It's more than a week since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 from KL to Beijing went missing.  Sadly, still no good news from any search operations.

There have been lots of speculations on what really happened to the mysterious flight, with confusing and sometimes contradicting news.  There was even a ‘bomoh’ or witch doctor who performed rituals at KLIA airport to the chagrin and embarrassment of most Malaysians!   Now the latest possibility the authorities are entertaining is of the pilots' deliberate suicide. 

Fervently hoping this unfortunate event has a good ending.  Our prayers go to the families waiting for news on the fate of their loved ones on board.

Coincidentally, the time frame of that ill-fated flight is the same with Ravi's flight from San Francisco to Hongkong.  He was somewhere over the Pacific Ocean at that time.  When he landed at HK and heard the news, he called to let me know of the missing plane.  Naturally, I was a bit agitated and concerned as he still had 2 more flights before he reach Penang (Hongkong - Singapore then Singapore - Penang).  But he got back home safely, thank goodness.  

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