Monday, April 08, 2013

How To Catch A Star play

March 10, 2013 (Sunday)
Penangpac Stage 1, Straits Quay

We had a nice time watching the play How To Catch A Star.
It was based on a book of the same title by Oliver Jeffers, with kids 3-7 year olds in mind.

It was Sarah's first play.  Reena has watched a drama the month earlier with her father and brother.  My girls seemed to enjoy it very much.  (The kiddie play was kinda boring for Ravi and I, as expected!)

Hoping for more acts like these in Penang in the future!

Poster shot (look at what my naughty bunny is doing, tsk!)
Reena shot a few minutes before the play started
With one of the 3 main characters.  There were too many other families waiting for a picture with the other characters so we left after taking this shot.

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