Thursday, March 28, 2013

Last night of Kek Loh Si Temple's CNY lights

March 8, 2013
Kek Loh Si Temple

Sarah, Esther and I made it to the last night of the Kek Loh Si Temple's Chinese New Year Lights.

I found out it was the last night because we drove there again the following night, this time with Ravi and Reena, but the lights were off although I read online that the lights will be up till March 10.  Anyway there's always next year. 

The crowd was much less since it's the tail end of the CNY lighting.  Too bad that Sarah slept through most of the time we were there.  Btw, she's getting too heavy.  I pity my back.

It looked like Christmas, just Chinese style :)
With my sleeping, heavy bunny.
Lanterns, lanterns and more lanterns everywhere.
By the entrance
I call this part of the temple the Circle of Life
One of the Buddhas
Very pretty lights
One of the monks by the donation table
The courtyard down below
Stolen shot of Mother and Child
On the way down
On the way down some more
Last shot of the night.

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