Saturday, March 16, 2013

Half potty trained @ 25mos

Just after her 2nd birthday, Sarah became half potty trained!  Half potty trained because it meant doing her number 1 (wee wee) but not number 2 (poo poo) on the potty/toilet seat.

She would cry 'wee wee' and hold her front pants until someone comes to her rescue.  We'd help her pull down her pants, prop her up the seat and wash afterwards with a bidet.  She likes the bidet, giggling every time I use it on her.  I also let her flush down the toilet.  Then a praise, a hug and kiss finishes off the ritual. 

Prior the half success, we've been asking her if she wants to go and almost always her answer is 'no' or 'no thanks'.  Then a few minutes later,  she'll cry out 'wee wee' with the deed already over, yellow spill spreading across the floor, sometimes on the sofa!    It's nicer now that we don't have that kind of accidents anymore.
Number 2, though, still stays on her panties/shorts/pants/diapers.  It frustrates me a bit but I know we'll get there eventually.  Of course, I've been gently telling her (okay sometimes scolding!) to do number 2 on the right seat but she's not yet ready for the longer sit-down business.  Our half success will come later when she's ready, hopefully not too long.

Half potty trained also meant big savings on the diapers, yey!  She goes diaper-free the whole day and uses one only when we're going out, during naps and at night time.  We'll be seeing less of MammyPoko :)

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