Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Double whammy

Coming from a short but great family bonding over the Raya holiday last week, a double downer greeted us as we were heading home to Penang.  I'll try to keep it short and simple, I don't want to relive the experiences again.

First off, Sarah unfortunately caught an airplane ear from our Manila-Singapore flight.  She had colds before the flight, which complicates ear pressure imbalance, resulting to ear pain.  We skipped our Singapore-Penang flight as advised by the airport doctor and caught a bus instead.  It was a 10 hours bus ride!  From Manila to Penang, it took us almost 29 hours to get back home.  Exhausted. Sleepy. Tired.

Sarah's right ear pain subsided after 3 days.  She's well and good now.

Second, our helper, Ann, did not come back.  We let her take a short vacation during the Raya week as a form of reward, she recently finished her 2 year contract and agreed to stay an additional 2 years.  A few hours before her Cotabato-Manila flight, she sent an sms saying she won't come back.  Calls went unanswered and Facebook message was read but did not get a reply.

We lost a significant amount of money with the visa renewal fees, flight tickets and her full July pay that she requested in advance.  We're about to lose some more with the processing fees of getting a new kasambahay (helper).  But more than that, we were heartbroken with what she did to our family.  We trusted her completely and treated her very well.  Her actions were totally unexpected and truly hurtful.

A double blow to end a fun-filled family vacation.
That's life.
Learn the lesson.
Move on.

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