Friday, April 17, 2015

Dental visit

Last month, Sarah visited the dentist for a check up.  

The friendly dentist did not find any cavities and praised Sarah for taking good care of her baby teeth. Sarah told the dentist she mixes her fruity toothpastes because it taste nicer.  She'll combine a strawberry flavored toothpaste with a green apple toothpaste or do an orange-apple mix, depending on what she likes.

Afterwards, she asked me for vanilla ice cream for her prize :)  

No cavities hurray!


1 comment:

  1. I'm happy for Sarah for not having any cavities! She's such a brave girl, and I'm glad that you brought her to the dentist for a checkup. It's really an important precaution, so that you will know whether she has any teeth problems that need to be fixed. Good job! And I guess you both deserved to have an ice cream. Haha! Have a great day!

    Tyler Williford @ Marzo Smile
