Friday, July 04, 2014

Haze, haze go away

Haze season is here once again. 

The haze originates from Central Sumatra, Indonesia and spreads to both Malaysia and Singapore.  Land clearing and 'slash and burn' practices in Indonesia are the main culprits of the smoky cross border haze.

It's a problem that's getting worse each year. 

More than reducing visibility, the health effects of haze includes eye irritation, runny and/or stuffy nose, dry and/or sore throat and coughing to name a few.

Easy and simple precautions include avoiding outdoor activities, closing all windows and doors, drinking more water and increasing intake of fruits and veggies.

Malaysians can get the official Air Pollutant Index (API) from the Department of Environment.  
Before and after shots of the view from our apartment. That's how bad the haze was/is.
There was a respite for a few days of rain, thank goodness.

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