Monday, January 14, 2013

Welcome 2013!

A belated happy new year greetings!  Here's hoping good health to all in the year of the Snake (my year and Ravi's).

Since I got back from our short Christmas vacation (a few posts on that later on), I've been kinda busy with a few things in the coming days.  Firstly, Sarah's 2nd birthday on the 17th, our 5th year wedding anniversary on the 18th and Sarah's weekend birthday celebration on the 19th!

Start of the year and I already owe several blogposts, oh my!

Anyway, been busy preparing the birthday menu, making the DIY birthday decors and giveaways, having two playdates with Anya (succeeding weekends pa!), planning the early phase of our biggest vacation on August (excited much but cannot reveal yet!), and trying out speedminton (another post to follow).

Ravi and I agreed to invite only Sarah's friends for her birthday weekend celebration and not any of our adult friends.  It'll be a chance to meet up Sarah's friends' parents and make chit chats.

Hello Manic Monday!

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