Monday, January 21, 2013

Sarah turns 2!

January 17, 2013
A simple dinner with special guest, Jovan and family

Sarah had Jovan and his family as her special guests on her birthday. Jovan and family couldn't make it on the weekend party since they have to go back to Alor Setar for Jovan's grandfather's birthday.  The two close friends enjoyed blowing the cake candles, gobbling up gelatin and fruit kebab, and playing with dog balloons I made before they arrived.  Lots of happy screams from these two!
Best friend Jovan and family
January 19, 2013
A riot kiddie party at the apartment

We invited mostly Sarah's gang - Jacob, Yau Yau, Nishant, Barshand and Palani's kids Kritika, Sanju and Ram.  Sahad was not able to join as he was at India for a holiday while Jovan was at Alor Setar.  

Of course it was cramped having the party inside the apartment but we wanted to have it where Sarah is most comfortable.  We had to rearrange the furniture to make 'more' space.  Food was aplenty!  Penne in red mushroom sauce, roti jala (an Indian swirly bread with chicken curry dip, the hit dish!), fruit kebabs, hotdog & quail egg on stick, spring rolls, gelatin and 3 cakes!
The morning gang - Yau Yau, Nishant, Jacob.  Also with Barshand, Kritika and Sanju.
The Pinoy guests - Raine, Andre and Jacob
Nishant, Barshand's sister, Palani & Ram, Siva's family

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