Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Penang driving experience

It's been almost 5 years since I started driving here in Penang and I must say it's an overall pleasant experience. 

I was initially apprehensive about driving on the other side of the road but I quickly got the hang of it. I love driving so driving on either side of the road is not an issue for me.

Admittedly, the road conditions are much better here than those back home but once in a while there would be the occasional potholes and uneven road tar, especially on the smaller roads. Traffic jams are more tolerable, peaking during rush hour period around Bayan Lepas Industrial Zone
.  But that's kinda expected everywhere during rush hours.

Bad and errant drivers are the things that gets to my nerves. They are so bad that road accidents are much more frequent.  There was a time we would pass by an accident once every two weeks, and those happened on our normal home-work route!  That's saying a lot as our normal route is quite near the workplace.

Anyway, it's still better driving here compared back in the Philippines.

(Whenever I visit Philippines, I have to wire myself to use a manual transmission and to drive on the right side of the road.  Usually, I would sit in my trusted, old Toyota Revo's driving seat for at least a minute (if not more!), familiarize myself with the clutch pedal, wiper and signal levers, adjust my seat and the rear/side mirrors before I start driving.  Like what they say about riding bicycles, you really don't forget how.)

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