Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy Deepavali!

Deepavali - Festival of the Lights

It was just Sarah and me for this year's Deepavali day.
Ravi is on business trip at Costa Rica and later at Oregon.  Auntie is with Papa's family at Ipoh.

I was not feeling too well as I caught Sarah's cough and colds combo, felt drowsy from the company-provided medication given yesterday.   But I wanted to make Deepavali memories for Sarah so off we went during lunch.

Since Sarah was sleeping, I headed to Straits Quay which was further away to give Sarah her afternoon nap time.  She woke up when we reached the place.  I picked Bella Marina for lunch which turned out to be a good choice as Sarah ate the fetuccine carbonara very well.  We strolled around briefly as the afternoon sun was too hot. 

Sarah posing at home before we went out
Italian lunch for Deepavali :)
Strolling around Straits Quay
Next stop was at the Indian temple beside the Snake temple near the airport.  Unfortunately, it was closed so we went to Queensbay Mall instead.  While I had a body massage, Sarah and Esther were at the play area, Toys R Us and at Baskin Robbins.

Sarah at Queensbay Mall while waiting for Mama

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