Thursday, July 19, 2012

Goodbye Papa

My father have been staying at Sorsogon for the past 2 years, with one of our relatives, Rommel, taking care of his daily needs.  

I last saw Papa Christmas 2011 when I introduced Sarah to her grandfather.  I gave my father a simple radio, a few shirts and shorts, chocolates, a rim of cigarettes and money.  I also printed out photos of Sarah when she was a baby to her current age then of 11 months.  I felt that he was very happy with our visit.

Papa, I only have few good memories of you but I'll strongly hold on to and cherish them.  In spite of everything, you were my father.  Be finally at peace.


This a chronicle of his passing on.

June 27.   Papa was admitted to the Irosin hospital as he was having difficulty breathing since the past day.  He was given administered IV medications and an oxygen mask to help with his breathing.  Papa was given minimal food that night and was still hungry, he kept shouting asking for food.

June 28.   Rommel said that as he was changing my father's clothing, Papa thanked him for taking care of him.  Papa asked if Rommel had a girlfriend. (My father has dementia like his mother.   He repeatedly asks the same questions several times a day.)  Rommel said no. My father told him to then court his attending nurse.  My father also kept asking for my mother, saying he will only get out of the hospital once she arrives.  He also recalled his basketball days.  

Earlier that night, my family and I chatted about his condition.  When Rommel informed my mother that my father seemed to be his usual self most of the day, we were relieved.  I asked for Rommel's new mobile number, I plan to call them the following day.  My mother planned to take the bus the following day after her work finishes.

My father slept that night.  And never woke up.

June 29.  Papa passed away around 1:30am.

I got the call before 6am.  Sarah and I flew that night after work.

My mother and sister Abet flew to Legazpi in the morning, and made arrangements to transfer my father's body.  They traveled back to Manila that night.

June 30 - July 2.   My father's body arrived at the Divine Mercy Viewing Chapels (Tunasan, Muntilupa) around 9am on June 30.  Papa's siblings, other relatives, neighbor and friends paid their respect during the three night wake.

July 3.  There was a 2pm necrological mass at Sto. Nino de Cebu Church, the church near my mother's house.  

Our Down Syndrome 19 year old brother, Rafael, cried when the funeral servicemen started arrangements to bring the coffin to the funeral car, especially when they closed Papa's coffin.  Rafael shouted "Love Papa" with his right hand on his chest.  The past days he kept on looking at my father through the coffin glass.  We explained to him about our father's death but he was mostly quiet.  He only finally realized on the last day, thus the show of emotions.  It was very heartbreaking to see Rafael cry for Papa.  You see, they were never close.  I guess Rafael loves Papa too in his own special way.

Papa was buried around 3pm at Heaven's Park Binan.  Mama said the final goodbye for everyone.  

The rain started only after everything was over.

Arturo "Turing" Nery
October 7, 1942 -June 29, 2012

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