Monday, March 12, 2012

On her own..

March 3 (Saturday), ~8:30pm. Sarah. finally. walked. on. her. own.  Hurray!!!
Walking milestone: 13 and 1/2 months old.

I was busy chatting with my family in our room while Sarah was cruising along the bed.
I kept asking her to come near so my family can see her on the video.
Then I saw her gingerly walk from the edge of the bed towards me.  I beamed and clapped!
Off she went, walking all over the house, going from room to room.  Actually it's more running than walking!  She has always been like that, even when we used to hold her hand.  She 'runs' instead of walking.

I took a couple of videos to document her walking milestone.

Too bad Ravi was not around to see her first walk.  He's in Korea for a business trip.
I sent him a sms right away; he slept earlier due to bad colds.

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