Tuesday, October 11, 2011

September visit # 1 (Suresh's family)

I know, I know.  I've been negligent with this blog. Tsk, tsk, tsk!  Need a lot of catching up to do...


Ravi's friend at Intel Penang Design Center, Suresh, came with his family for a visit last September 10.  They have a baby girl named Anya who's 3 weeks younger than Sarah.  It was supposed to be a playdate for the babies but it turned out to be more of the parents' chika time!

Sarah was very comfortable with the baby guest, not shy at all in trying to gorge Anya's eyes out or pull her hair!  Anya took a long time to get used to the new surrounding but later was also crawling all over the place and playing with Sarah's toys.  Sarah was very protective of her toys, grabbing them away from Anya each and every time! 

The husbands had their man-talk at the kitchen drinking whisky while the ladies chit chatted at the living area.  Suresh then made a joke that it used to be the women who would stay in the kitchen to talk and gossip and not the other way around!  We committed to hold the next get-together at their place.

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