Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Flat tire on a Monday morning

Coming out of the parking lot, I felt the car was moving kinda funny.  I parked on the side and checked the tires.  My dreaded suspicion was confirmed, I got a flat tire!  Left rear to be exact.

We got the Toyota Estima last February but never got around to finding where the spare tire was.  So a couple weeks ago, Ravi looked for it.  To our disappointment, there was no spare tire!   We knew we have to get back with the Naza car shop at Autocity Penang and claim the spare tire, most likely on a weekend when we have to go to Nibong Tebal.  (Autocity will be on the way to Nibong Tebal).

Then this flat tire happened. On a Monday morning. When Ravi is in Vietnam until Friday. 

Panic mode galore for me!  I.have.never.changed.a.tire.

Called Ravi up and asked what to do.  He told me to go to a tire shop near the house and get the guys there to replace the tire.  So I walked back to the house, waited for an hour as the shop opens only around 10am, and got a cab to the tire shop.

Ravi and the shop guy talked for a while (over international call!) and agreed on what tire to put in.   The shop fellas did everything for me, thank goodness.  They found a nail pierced way deep into the tire, about 1/4 inch thick nail.

All in all, it cost us RM350 to replace the tire.  What a way to start the week!

September visit # 2 (Donald's family)

Donald, Lhet and baby Raine visited us one rainy Saturday afternoon.  It was like a play date between Raine and Sarah.  Raine was a shy and quiet most of the time, Sarah as usual have no problem being noisy!

Mommy Lhet, Raine, me and Sarah

On the banig play area

Baby swap! 

September visit # 1 (Suresh's family)

I know, I know.  I've been negligent with this blog. Tsk, tsk, tsk!  Need a lot of catching up to do...


Ravi's friend at Intel Penang Design Center, Suresh, came with his family for a visit last September 10.  They have a baby girl named Anya who's 3 weeks younger than Sarah.  It was supposed to be a playdate for the babies but it turned out to be more of the parents' chika time!

Sarah was very comfortable with the baby guest, not shy at all in trying to gorge Anya's eyes out or pull her hair!  Anya took a long time to get used to the new surrounding but later was also crawling all over the place and playing with Sarah's toys.  Sarah was very protective of her toys, grabbing them away from Anya each and every time! 

The husbands had their man-talk at the kitchen drinking whisky while the ladies chit chatted at the living area.  Suresh then made a joke that it used to be the women who would stay in the kitchen to talk and gossip and not the other way around!  We committed to hold the next get-together at their place.