Thursday, November 03, 2016

Running update

Just a quick post on what's keeping me busy.

The past two months ramped up my training for my first full marathon on 27 November.  It's back to back half marathons almost every weekend! 

One needs to practice on tired legs and low energy levels, often called 'accumulated fatigue".  It means that the fatigue from a hard workout accumulates, builds up and transfers to the next long run.  One, then, is always starting a long run still tired and worn out from the previous running session.  But this actually helps build muscle endurance and helps prepare one for the much longer distance of 42km run!  

Since last month, I've been perennially tired.   My body hasn't fully recovered yet and still I need to run.  The fatigue has reflected slower finishing times for the past 21km runs.  But since my goal is to accumulate more distance, slow and steady long half marathon runs have to make do.  

October runs
8 Oct - HSN Half Marathon, KL
23 Oct - Great Eastern Bubble Dash Half Marathon, KL
30 Oct - Penang Island Run Half Marathon

November runs
6 Nov - Cassia Half Marathon, Penang
13 Nov - Great Eastern Women's Run Half Marathon, Singapore
(2 taper weeks with shorter runs around Penang)
27 Nov - Penang Bridge Full Marathon -> D DAY!!!

8 Oct - HSN Half Marathon, KL
HSN 21km run at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur

Great Eastern Bubble Dash 21km at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur
Stage area after the run
Penang Island Run 21km at Espalanade, Penang
Starting line


  1. Just keep running.. :D

  2. Rooting for you, Marz! I admire your commitment and dedication.=)
