Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmas party at Our Lady of Sorrows Church Penang

Sadly there's fewer Christmas parties in Penang these past few years.  Most of the Filipinos who used to organize gatherings have moved out of the island and the remaining ones are not really that keen to organize a big party.  So when one of my friends invited us to one, we said yes quite fast!

It was the Our Lady of Sorrows Church's Pinoy Christmas Party, held after the service at the school canteen beside the church.  We brought a Filipino dessert called maja blanca for the potluck gathering.  There were singing (what's a Filipino gathering without this one right?!), children's games, a raffle draw and lots of Filipino food!

Reena and Sarah by the church Christmas tree
Raine, Sarah and Jacob - all cutees!
Ice cream time after lunch
Train game
Santa handed out lots of sweets!
Happy with her chocolates and candies
Filipino kids with an on-diet, brown Santa Claus =)

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