Sunday, May 03, 2015

Reena's 10th birthday

We had a surprise birthday party at home for Reena's 10th birthday.  Actually we celebrated her birthday 2 weeks later, since she stayed at her mother's place on her birthday weekend.

Ann, Sarah and I prettified the house with birthday banners and colorful crepe paper streamers.  I ordered a fondant cake for Reena, which turned out bigger than expected. We had baked macaroni, hotdogs, springrolls and chocolate fondue with fruits.  Reena greatly appreciated all our hard work, her joyful face said it all.

Even at 10 years old, she hinted a few weeks back that she would like a My Little Pony cake :)
Banners, small balloons and crepe paper decorations
Just small gifts - flowers in a pot, stationery and stamp sets
Always appreciative and thoughtful Reena
Candle blowing for the 10 year old girl!
Look at that ginormous (chocolate flavored) cake!  We had to give away a lot, the cake was way too much for our small family.

1 comment:

  1. Warm birthday party for Reena! May I know where you ordered the cake? Mind to share? Thanks ya.
