Friday, March 13, 2015

Awesome time at Sta. Elena Fun Farm

I've been reading nothing but good raves about this farm so I made sure my family and I try it out last home visit.

Visits are on a four-hour block; we got the 11am-3pm slot on January 4th, a Sunday.  We brought along packed lunch and drinks.  There's no restaurants on the farm itself so it's best to bring food. Actually you can order from the country club restaurant but the rates are pretty high and delivery takes quite a long time, as we've seen from a couple of families who ordered.

Farm animals we encountered include rabbits, guinea pigs, chicken, ducks, horses, carabaos, goats and wild boars.  Visitors can do rabbit & guinea pig feeding, fishing, boating, horse back riding, carabao cart riding, zip lining and more!  The place is truly meant for families to be hands on with animals and experience nature related activities.  It was definitely a fun day at the farm!

For more details, you may contact them at Balik Bukid or at their FB page here.

These two were rushing to get in!
Swings and free range chickens greeted the little girls.
Cute rabbits
Guinea pigs in the next cage area.
Wooden teepee in a field.
Tire and rope courses aplenty
Kids and kids at heart enjoyed climbing this rope course.
Carabao cart ride around the farm
Horse back riding for everyone.
Kids busy catching fish.
Grown ups side of the fishing area :)
Sarah caught 2 fish on her first fishing expedition!  My sister, Abet, finally caught one before we left.
Piggy back rides for the tired girls; sweet moment between Sofi and Sarah.
Swings made of recycled tires.
Same pose :)
Little ponys!  
Balancing at a different rope course.
Boating time.
Rap didn't like the hot weather, he stayed indoors most of the time with his ipad.  We persuaded him to climb up the zipline area and he did.  Rap suffers from acrophobia or fear of heights so it was a big deal for us that he was able to cross the zipline teepee on his own :)
The girls did the zipline! Sarah was a little scared, Sofi was much braver!
The mommies did it too! 

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