Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hospital admission again

Sarah was admitted for 4 days last week at Island's Hospital.  Diagnosis was Influenza A.
Snuggle time with Daddy when she had Influenza A
We came back to Penang, from Manila, on a Tuesday night two weeks ago.  By Thursday night, her fever shot up and barely went down even when we gave Panadol.  Friday morning,  Ravi took Sarah to her pediatrician, Dr. Hwang, who already advised admission.  But my husband refused, thinking Sarah will be more comfortable in our home. (He got a scolding from me for that especially when we did more online research on influenza A and learned that mortality rate is high for children 5 years and below.)  The fever continued on that night so we came back Saturday morning and she was finally admitted.  I stayed with her the whole time, taking 2 days off work.  We were discharged Tuesday afternoon, with several more medications to finish over the next 3 days.

We celebrated her birthday over the weekend (separate post on that).

She started her first day at Fairview International School last Monday.  After school and her nap, fever went high again!
Part two...bacterial infection this time.
Ravi brought her back to the hospital where she was given not one, but two suppositories to bring the fever down.  Dr. Hwang told us she need to be admitted again. Blood test results showed negative for dengue and foot&mouth disease, thank goodness!  Bacterial infection is what she has now, which can be treated with antibiotics.

It's never easy for parents to see their children sick.  All I want is for her to get better soon.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Christmas 2014 in the Philippines

Sarah and I went back to Philippines for Christmas.  We arrived December 24th, about 1am, and took an overpriced taxi to my mother's home at Binan, Laguna.  Ravi stayed behind, he wanted us to fully spend our time with family and friends.

December 24th, Christmas Eve was spent with family.
The kids (and kids at heart) were all excited opening the presents!
Christmas Eve dinner and drinks!  I gave Jing her first henna tattoo :)

December 25th,  reunion with my mother's side of the family.
Clockwise from top left:  My mother and my aunt; groupie shot; busy kids with their puzzles; chill moms while the kids play.
Wacky family shot!
Kulit kids from the Nerys and Baulas.  From left: Tito Rap, Angel, Sarah, Meg, Sofi, Red and Annika.

December 26th, family reunion on my father's side.
Gossip and catch up; impromptu games hosted by my mother; food, food and more food!
The next generation of Nery - Sofi, Sarah, Chloe, Cody, Derek, Ava and

 Other days were spent mostly going out (separate posts on those!) .
Finally experienced Ayala Triangle Gardens' famous Lights and Laser Show.  Pretty cool!
Lola Merly doing early morning excercises with her grandchildren on the road just outside the house. 

Our two princesses all dressed up like Frozen's Elsa (Sarah) and Anna (Sofi).

2014 Office Christmas parties

There were a couple of Christmas parties at the office.  One was with the FA folks within the lab.  The other was with the rest of the QACS department.  Both was mildly fun compared to the crazy office parties back in the Philippines.

Christmas party at the FA lab :)  The exchange gift I got was a clip one fish eye and macro lens for the Iphone, cool!
The second party with the office folks.  The gift I received was 3 thong panties!  Someone had an amusing time while buying those undies haha

Our second stay at Ye Olde Smokehouse at Cameron Highlands

Very late post!  Weekend getaway at Cameron Highlands, October 24-26, 2014.

It was a spur of the moment thing.  My stepkids were not able to come that weekend and Ravi wanted a getaway.  So off to Cameron Highlands we went, with a booked room at Ye Olde Smokehouse.  Ravi and I first stayed here last 2008.  We found the experience so satisfying we vowed to visit again.  Fast forward 6 years later and we had our chance once more.

Ye Olde Smokehouse retains its old world charm with its Tudor style cottage, fantastic English gardens and old style rooms with modern amenities.  Warm lighting at the hallways and the rooms as well as the hotel's history, which dates back to the 1930s, create a spooky feeling. 

We stayed at the Ambleside suite for 2 nights.  It has a separate living area, a main bedroom and  large toilet and bath.  On our last night, there was a bit of a scary experience.  Sarah and I slept early while Ravi stayed outside the living area for some late night drinks till about midnight.   I woke up about 2:30am, I heard some noises.  Initially I thought there were people conversing at the hallway.  Then it dawned to me that the culprit was the TV.  True enough, when I checked outside, the TV was switched on to the cartoon channel!  When I asked Ravi the following day if he switched on the TV the night before, he said he never did.  The eerie thing was the TV can only be switched on by pressing the button at the bottom of the TV screen, it doesn't work using the remote control.  Ravi said that even if he did watch that night, he wouldn't choose the cartoon channel!  Anyway, we weren't that scared, just a little spooked!

The rest of the time we spent outside doing the requisite tourist activities such as visiting a tea plantation, a strawberry and bee farm, and enjoying the cool weather only found in Malaysia. 

I must add though that traffic congestion has gone worse over the years.  There's just too much  development happening, with new hotels, apartments and commercial centers built all over.  Right after check out, we drove back to Penang taking the other longer route to avoid the weekend rush out of Cameron Highlands.

Facade of the Ye Olde Smokehouse, Cameron Highlands
Tudor style cottage

Hello again Ye Olde SmokeHouseLook at the open windows, no need for air conditioning this side of Malaysia!
Very pretty and well-groomed English gardens
Stayed in the Ambleside suite, with a door that leads straight to the garden.

The cozy chic living room of the Ambleside suite.  The TV that switched on by itself is on one side of this room, I was not able to capture a shot.
An old school red telephone booth (with a trapped monkey!); a picturesque reading spot.
A white fountain; brick steps to another room.
Exploring the second floor hallway; a closer a view of a chimney.
Every nook and cranny of the place was charming.
Amazing blooms everywhere.
Flowers galore.

Goofin' around with my Sarah.
A visit to the Boh Tea Garden and Tea Center.
Sarah and I trekked to the view point at 174meter above sea level.  Halfway, the monkey asked to be carried.
It started to rain as we were leaving.
This little girl had a fantastic time running around the place.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy new 2015!

Cheers to a peaceful and bountiful 2015!