Thursday, June 05, 2014


Right across our street is a small, man-made lake.  The apartment blocks around - Lakeside Towers, Parkview Towers and Alpine Tower all have access to this peaceful lake.  The lake is properly maintained with regular grass cuts and disposal of the trash bins.

It's a nice place with  animal residents such as fish (of course!), birds, butterflies, dragonflies, turtles, frogs and monitor lizards.  I remember there used to be a duck but most likely it became a meal for the big monitor lizards!  The monitor lizards, which can be as big as a 5 year old child, usually come out at noon when there is almost no one around.  It's just that we like to come down to the lake at that time because we know most of the animals will come out, especially the monitor lizards!

Apartment residents and non-residents alike go here for running/jogging/walking, with more foot traffic early evenings comprised of working people out for fresh air and exercise.  Some families with small children come here to feed the kois and catfish; some go for the slides at the small playground.  I've even seen middle aged men play motorized boats on the lake as well.  Others play badminton and some younger couples just hang out.  The lake caters to all ages.

The only thing to worry about are mosquitoes!  We make sure Sarah either wears a mosquito patch or have citronella oil on her arms and legs.

We are very fortunate to have the lake very near our home, it's a great bonus to living in Penang.
Sarah running ahead to find the best spot to feed the fish.
Found it!
We keep any stale breads and use those to feed the fish when the kids want to go down.
It rained the night before so the playground was wet and slippery.  Normally, kids go up and down the slides.
Our apartment is the leftmost building, partly covered by the trees.  Our unit faces the lake, a prerequisite when we were choosing the unit.

The low rise building in the middle is The Fairview International School.  If and when we decide to get Sarah enrolled there, sending/fetching her will be very convenient.
Spotted two dragonflies.
The other side of the lake, at the school side.  One can also relax on several cement benches around the lake.
Coconut and pine trees surround the lake.
Smooth and even walking/jogging path.
Very clean and tidy too!

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