Monday, January 13, 2014

Rome - Day 9

* Pardon the low resolution images, these were salvaged from one my FB albums.  

Day 9 - Pyramid of Cesius, Collosseo, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain & dinner
We took our first Metro ride to the Pyramid of Cesius but it was undergoing repair & maintenance so only got snapshots of the the exterior. 

Metro'd our way to the Colosseum.  Coming out of the underground subway, the first sight of the Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheater, rendered us speechless.  It was hugely impressive and oh so grand!  Ravi got us audio guides for a better understanding of the rich and bloody history of the world's largest amphitheater.  Truly an amazing experience to be there.

There was a service inside the Pantheon so tourists were all off limits inside.  We waited a bit for the service to end but no such luck, so just took photos outside and left.

We found a nice restaurant near the Trevi Fountain.  While waiting for food to be served, Sarah and I strolled to the Trevi Fountain and took pictures before the sunset started.  After dinner, we went back with Ravi.  The area was all lit, it was more marvelous!  Did the touristy things of buying gelato and throwing coins to ensure our return :)

Outside the Colosseum
First look inside the arena and amphitheater
Sarah fiddling with the Iphone audioguide; arches; taking a break; closer look of the arena.
Some tourists (on a much more expensive tour!) standing on restored parts of the arena. 
Sarah's bird friends.
The Pantheon; the piazza in front of it.
Hanging out outside the Pantheon.
Trevi Fountain before sunset.

Back to the Trevi Fountain after dinner, all lit up!

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