Sarah on a rental bike at Straits Quay |
I'm starting this as the fun and sometimes frustrating parts of the toddler years are here. These updates will be a nice read once we're old and gray.
Independent smarty pants.
"Sarah do, Sarah do!" "Sarah's big girl." "No helping, no helping." "No, no, no, no, no, no." with matching finger wagging and tongue clicking.
Intake has been erratic with good days eating really well and not-my-favorite days of very little solids. Standard fares are chicken hotdogs, egg omelette, mac & cheese (using Kraft's Cheez Whiz), grapes, yellow kiwi, mangoes, raisins, Skyflakes crackers, noodles with minced veggies, apom (thin pancakes) & wantan mee from the hawker stands. She's not into sweets, she cannot finish a candy or lollipop but likes chocolates, especially
Royce' when we can get our hands on those yummy treats.
Potty training.
She doesn't need diapers in the day but still wears them during afternoon naps & bedtime. Goes running on her own to the potty seat for wee wee. Quick trips like going to the wet market and to her music & ballet classes are diaper free too. Poo poo time is done upright, no progress in transitioning to the potty seat. In her own time, that's what we say.
Sleeping habits.
A 2-hour afternoon nap is usual, but sometimes can be a short 1-hour or if lucky a long 3-hour shuteye. Stays up late, sometimes nearly midnight! (I think she fights off sleep just to spend more time with me.) Sleep through the night is always broken with calls for 'milk', I give just plain water though. Most days she'd wake up as Ravi and I prepares for work, on certain mornings she sleeps through anywhere from 30 more minutes to an hour after we've left.
Musically inclined, yey!
Taking after her lola and mama, my baby little girl sings a lot. Quite a performer too, picks up a 'mike' from her toys, stands up on the coffee table/tv console/stool/any elevation and sings her heart out....loud! Sings a lot of nursery rhymes, the basic alphabet and phonic songs and recently Do Re Mi from the Sound of Music. Some lyrics are still a bit of a babble but the tune is right in there. Lots of dancing as well, mostly ballet moves of tip toeing and twirling.
Playing piko or hopscotch, writing with chalk on the hallways/elevator, playing on the slides and monkey bars at the kiddie playground, swimming when the water's not cold, blowing bubbles, biking, gluing leaves/paper/sparkles, writing & colouring on the walls/bedsheets/tables/chair/arms and legs/any other reachable surfaces. Favorite tv shows are Pocoyo and Taiyo Bus, with a few Disney Junior shows here and there. Brainy Baby and Barbie are staple dvds.
Scared of...
Monsters, medicine, lighting and thunder, Mama leaving her to go to the office.
It's more fun to be around my little girl, less tantrums as before.
Don't grow up too fast, my Sarah (I sound like a broken record!)