Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Japan 2015: Bullet trains, airports, subways, buses

Long overdue posts on my first Japan trip last September 2015.  I've started a couple but have yet to post several more. Anyway, better late than never =)  This post is all scenes at the airport, trains, subways and buses.

Our Singapore Airline plane at Kansai Airport.
Kansai airport interior
Hello at Kansai airport
Finding our way inside Kansai's Terminal 1
Kyoto station
Clockwise from top left: Kyoto station ticket booth, waiting area, train schedules.
Subway scenes
Everyone's patiently queuing up.
Shinkansen! Bullet trains!
Kyoto-Tokyo bullet train scenes
Tokyo-Kyoto bullet train scenes :)
Subway ticketing machine which looks complicated but fairly easy.  There's an English button at the top right to assist non-Japanese folks like us.
Another stop at Kyoto station.

While waiting for our train =)
At Shinjuku station - the world's busiest transport hub!  Pictures were taken at a slow time of the day =)
L-R: Security at the train platforms; discipline in lining up for everything!
L-R: Finding our way inside Tokyo station; locker area at Disneyland station
Selfie with Sarah while waiting for the train somewhere in Akihabara
Going in a bus at Kyoto
Inside a Disney monorail
L-R: Nozomi and Hikari bullet trains.  Nozomi trains are the fastest and with the most expensive tickets.  Hikari trains are the second fastest with a less pricey ticket.

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