Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Japan 2015: Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion

Beautiful Golden Pavilion even in rain
Our first full day was gloomy and raining.  Our local guides, Manami and Ayano from the Good Samaratan Club, met us at our hotel and helped us navigate the bus system.  They planned a leisure itinerary for us - Kinkaku-ji, lunch at a local restaurant, Nijo Castle and Kiyomizu-dera Temple.  The rain got heavier after lunch so we decided to skip the last attraction. 

We arrived at the Kinkaku-ji temple before 10am and were greeted with so many tourists and locals, particularly school children.  Manami and Ayano informed us that around mid-September, school field trips are usually held across Kyoto's attractions.   

The Kinkakuji-temple, a three-story structure, was originally built in 1397 as a residence for shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.  It earned the name Golden Pavilion since the top two structures were completely covered in pure gold leaf.

The temple ground was still very beautiful and serene even in the rain. The surrounding garden was very zen. Our local guides enriched the experience by giving a more in-depth history of the place. 

Picturesque Golden Pavilion
A very zen garden surrounding the temple
There were so many people jostling to get a picture with the main attraction.
Must be lovely in autumn when the leaves turn golden

A 600+ year old bonsai plant shaped like a ship.
Walkway at the back of the temple
On top of a small hill, on the way out.
Photo op
Ringing the bell
Checking out the wishes on wooden cards
Lighted a prayer candle
Heading out

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