Friday, December 04, 2015

Straits Quay's Christmas Tea Party

After Reena's overnight camp, we hearded the kids to Straits Quay mall for the 2pm Christmas Tea Party.  Parents were not allowed inside, we were asked to come back 5:30pm to pick up the kids.  The organizers posted the event pictures on their facebook page a day after.

Daddy's girls
Toasting their apple juices, cheers!
Christmas tree at Uncle Albert's
Tropical Christmas here in Penang
The back part of the Christmas ferris wheel at Straits Quay mall
Frontside of the ferris wheel
Waiting for the tea party to start.  Met Jovan and his mom Catherine.
There were games and dances and lots of food.
Photo credit: Straits Quay Facebook page
There were games and dances and lots of food.
Photo credit: Straits Quay Facebook page
Tea break. Sarah and Reena were at the back.
Photo credit: Straits Quay Facebook page
Party meals for the little ones.
Photo credit: Straits Quay Facebook page
The kids with their loot bags and goodies.
Participants of 2015 Christmas Tea Party.
Photo credit: Straits Quay Facebook page

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