Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Japan 2015: Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion

Beautiful Golden Pavilion even in rain
Our first full day was gloomy and raining.  Our local guides, Manami and Ayano from the Good Samaratan Club, met us at our hotel and helped us navigate the bus system.  They planned a leisure itinerary for us - Kinkaku-ji, lunch at a local restaurant, Nijo Castle and Kiyomizu-dera Temple.  The rain got heavier after lunch so we decided to skip the last attraction. 

We arrived at the Kinkaku-ji temple before 10am and were greeted with so many tourists and locals, particularly school children.  Manami and Ayano informed us that around mid-September, school field trips are usually held across Kyoto's attractions.   

The Kinkakuji-temple, a three-story structure, was originally built in 1397 as a residence for shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.  It earned the name Golden Pavilion since the top two structures were completely covered in pure gold leaf.

The temple ground was still very beautiful and serene even in the rain. The surrounding garden was very zen. Our local guides enriched the experience by giving a more in-depth history of the place. 

Picturesque Golden Pavilion
A very zen garden surrounding the temple
There were so many people jostling to get a picture with the main attraction.
Must be lovely in autumn when the leaves turn golden

A 600+ year old bonsai plant shaped like a ship.
Walkway at the back of the temple
On top of a small hill, on the way out.
Photo op
Ringing the bell
Checking out the wishes on wooden cards
Lighted a prayer candle
Heading out

Gingerbread man making class at Straits Quay

Last weekend was the second part of Straits Quay Mall's cooking classes.  The first one was the chapati cooking class last month in celebration of the Indian Festival of the Lights, Deepavali.  For Christmas, they had a gingerbread man making class.  Both classes were geared for kids ages 5-12 year olds, with a RM10 registration fee.

The chapati cooking class was much better organized.  Each kid at the chapati class was provided with individual cooking accessories - disposable apron and hand gloves and rolling pins.  Atta flour was provided for each participant for kneading and rolling.  A half cup of water and a teaspoon of oil were the only things that were not provided on hand; the Indian chef had to go from one kid to another to drop the water and oil into the flour mix.  The only waiting time was during the actual cooking of the chapati, each kid had to wait for their turn to use the flat pan.  There were two sessions for this class, ensuring enough time and materials for each child.

At the gingerbread man making class, twenty kids had to share just a few baking accessories - 2 rolling pins, 2 gingerbread man cookie cutter and about 6 icing bags.  I counted whatever I saw, there could be more but it surely was not enough to accommodate the number of kids.

In the end,  there were lots of waiting time!  Then there were a few eager beaver kids (and mothers!) who hoarded the icing bags and were decorating their gingerbread man for quite some time. At some point, we had to ask them to let us use the icing bags.

I'm sure the children didn't mind all these observations but it's something to feedback to the organizers, which I will surely do.

Sarah's friends, Raine and Saif, were also there to make their gingerbread man.  Seated beside each other, they whiled away the waiting time chatting and goofing around.  The stage moms were busy chatting as well and taking photos of our little bakers :)

The class was held in front of the mall entrance, right beside the Christmas ferris wheel.
Twenty participants for this class.
Waiting for the lady emcee to decorate their cookie with icing.
Cutting out the gingerbread man.

Icing the gingerbread man and decorating it with chocolates and candies.
Decorating her second gingerbread.  Sarah already ate the gingerbread man head!
Saif cutting his cookie and decorating it.
Icing the gingerbread man and making it colorful with candies and chocolates.
Saif's brother Sahil joins the decorating part :)
Raine with her cookie cutter, forming the gingerbread man.
The icing lady with her piping bag and Raine decorating her little cookie man.
Colorful gingerbread man from Raine!
Busy bees
Focused on their decorating skills.
Listening to instructions.
The kids got toy balloons at the end of the class :)

Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmas party at Our Lady of Sorrows Church Penang

Sadly there's fewer Christmas parties in Penang these past few years.  Most of the Filipinos who used to organize gatherings have moved out of the island and the remaining ones are not really that keen to organize a big party.  So when one of my friends invited us to one, we said yes quite fast!

It was the Our Lady of Sorrows Church's Pinoy Christmas Party, held after the service at the school canteen beside the church.  We brought a Filipino dessert called maja blanca for the potluck gathering.  There were singing (what's a Filipino gathering without this one right?!), children's games, a raffle draw and lots of Filipino food!

Reena and Sarah by the church Christmas tree
Raine, Sarah and Jacob - all cutees!
Ice cream time after lunch
Train game
Santa handed out lots of sweets!
Happy with her chocolates and candies
Filipino kids with an on-diet, brown Santa Claus =)

Company family day at The Carnivall

December 5 (Staurday) was Intel MDC's Family Day at The Carnivall at Sungai Petani, almost an hour away from Penang. Yep, it's spelled carnival with an extra L :)

The water park was fairly small and simple with two main slides attractions, a short lazy river, a jacuzzi pool and children pools.  No chest-deep pools for those who want to swim.

There were game stalls, 7D motion cinema and children games at the pool area.  The archery and horseback riding both have limited slots, one needed to register early.  Buffet breakfast and lunch were provided, with Malaysian local fare.

The place has a lot of potential, but could do with some serious renovation and upgrade to attract more visitors.  Overall an enjoyable day, the girls had a lot of fun!

The Carnivall entrance at Sungai Petani
Ravi trying out one of the games.
Kids need to get 5 ducks to win a prize.
Mini golf for Reena
Goal is to tumble down all the cans.
Off to Discovery Island!
Playtime at the pool
Reena has overcome her fear of water slides and had a ton of fun!

How we looked like while waiting for Reena everytime she goes for the slides =)

These green and blue slides didn't require any floaters.
Sarah at one of the kiddie pools.
Reena joined Sarah for a while.
Jungle playground for kids.  It started raining heavily at this time.
The only kid left standing during the rain =)
Back to the kiddie pool
Sunburnt but happy girls!