Monday, September 30, 2013

Paris Day 4

It was a packed day with the following places explored - Luxembourg Gardens for the playground, Notre Dame Cathedral, Saint Chapelle and Trocadero for a night view of the Eiffel Tower.

Sarah thoroughly enjoyed the playground at the Luxembourg Gardens, she didn't want to leave.
Watched the Three Little Pigs (in French!) puppet show also at the Luxembourg Gardens.
Walked around the beautiful Luxembourg Gardens, really nice!
Took a cab to reach the Notre Dame Cathedral.  As 2013 celebrates the cathedral's 850th year, the crowd was much more than usual.
Clockwise from left: Ravi and Sarah lighing up a couple of candles; a mass service just started; one of the tombs inside.

First shot inside the majestic Notre Dame Cathedral.  It was actually dark and flash photography isn't allowed.
Beautiful stained glass windows near the altar.

A mass service started just when we reached the altar area.  We stayed on for a while.

Walked outside the cathedral to reach the love lock bridge - Pont de l'ArchevĂȘchĂ©

Stopped by a cafe for a drink - beer and wine for the adults, water and milk for the kiddo.  After the drink, Ravi headed back home to rest while Sarah and I continued on to explore around.

Sarah and I visited the nearby Saint Chapelle.  Stunning stained glass windows although there were some windows on the left side of the altar that were under renovation.
Next, we headed to Trocadero for a night view of the Eiffel Tower.  Sarah slept right after this shot, tired from the day's activities.

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