Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Paris Day 2

We started the day with a free Discover Walks tour of the Latin Quarter.   It's not actually free, one tips the guide at the end depending on how you enjoyed the walking tour. 

Latin Quarter tour started off at the Notre Dame Cathedral, then to Shakespeare's Bookstore, Sorbonne University, passing by small alleys, interesting chapels, low key museums, an old cemetery, ending at the Pantheon.  The walking tour took about 2 hours with lots of stops in between for commentary and rest.

Afterwards, we went back to the apartment for some rest then headed to the Louvre Museum around 4pm.  The museum closes late in the summer, until 10pm I think.

What to say about the Louvre?  Well, the place is humongous!  Filled with artworks and sculptures  I've seen only in books and movies.  They say it will take weeks to completely see everything inside.  We chose only a few art pieces to look at - Mona Lisa (but of course, what is a visit to the Louvre without seeing her right?!), the Winged Victory, Julius Ceasar and the pyramid outside.  We passed by a lot of art stuff along the way.

Dinner was in one of the French restaurants at the Louvre's underground mall.  
Chasing pigeons while waiting for the tour to start.
Raphael in the pink vest and dark glasses was our local tour guide.
Clockwise from top left: Sarah and the small red door, Eiffel Tower from the steps of the Pantheon, Sarah giving our tip to Raphael, a chapel at the Sorbonne, Paris' oldest city tree.
Pantheon inside and out
Sculpture galore at the Louvre
More sculptures...
Walking towards the gallery where Mona Lisa is.
Louvre sights

Shot with Julius Ceasar
Everyone's crowding around Mona. Sarah's diaper/bottle bag was opened here but thankfully nothing was taken unless the pickpockets want milk or diaper!
Ravi by the Louvre pyramid
Sun was setting down around 9:30pm.  My tired and sleeping monkey had a full day.

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