Thursday, May 16, 2013

Goodbye and thank you Esther!

Esther came to work for us since Sarah was 4 months old and have stayed for 2 years.

We treated her like family as Ravi and I believed she will treat us the same way.  True enough
it showed on how she cared for our family, especially towards Sarah.  

Esther was more like a younger sister to me rather than an employee.  We knew each other well enough to know when we need to be serious and when it's all about fun.  She was not scared to ask if she needed anything or to remind us of things we've forgotten.

Her service may have ended but not the friendship.  We'll see her in Manila when we come for visits and keep in touch via FB.

Thank you Ate Esther for everything!

Esther's Sentosa cable car ride
Esther's blurry shot at the Kek Loh Si Temple
Esther at one of Georgetown's wall art

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