Tuesday, April 23, 2013

No office, no office!

Sunday nights, I usually prep Sarah that the next days are office days.   She will say ok but come Monday morning (and Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning...you get the drift), she'll go "Mama, no office, no office!"

It makes going to work heartbreaking.  Especially to hear it said repeatedly with matching pleading voice and puppy eyes.  Oh my Sarah!

I would then sit down with her and we would count to 5, explaining there are 5 days that Mama and Daddy need to go to work.   Every workday then becomes a countdown to the 'no office' weekends.

(Technically, 'no office' periods are lunchtime, evenings, weekends and holidays.)


                          Sarah trying out a summer hat during one of the 'no office' periods.

During my pregnancy, I've thought long and hard about continuing work or becoming a stay-at-home mom (SAHM).  I was torn but in the end thought that whichever way I choose, I cannot get the best of both worlds.  If I continue working, I would miss out on most of my child's milestones.  My work schedule would definitely limit time with my kid.  If I chose to be a stay at home mom, I fear I would lose my identity as a capable and productive individual.   Plus I want financial independence from my husband.

Obviously, I chose to be a working mom.  The deciding factor was our apartment's proximity to the workplace as I can come home daily during lunchtime, except on really hectic days when there are lunch meetings and/or urgent stuff to do.

I'd like to think I struck a pretty good balance between motherhood and having a career, I get to have a little of both.

And I'm extremely grateful that life is good!

Ice cream time with my bunny

1 comment:

  1. you made a wise decision.lal.sarah is very lucky to have a mother like you.thank god.i know you can do both as a good mother and at the same time a good performing employee. continue to be such and may you be blessed more.mama
