Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rome - Day 7

Most of the day was spent taking the short 2-hour flight to Rome, Italy.

Bought 2 boxes of macarons from a mini Ladurée stand at the Paris Orly airport; fast service as there were just 2 customers before us.

We were provided with airport lounge tickets from Ravi's Singapore Airline mileage card but was highly disappointed with the food served.  We picked a few mini-sandwiches and headed fast to the deli-style stores for better tummy fillers.

As mentioned in this post, the Rome apartment was better.  We settled in for a bit before we explored the neighborhood.  The apartment location was very near the Vatican Museum and St. Peter's Basilica.  There are lots of gelatarias, cafes and souvenir shops around;  the metro, bus and taxi stations are also nearby.

Sarah and I had a lot of gelato on this trip, they were all good!

Happy we found one at the airport!
Busybees inside the plane
Clockwise from top left: Sarah with her OJ; yummy pizza; Sarah performing during the metro ride; outside the Old Bridge gelataria; how busy it was inside the Old Bridge gelatria; walk back to the apartment
Clockwise from top left: Father-daughter moments; Sarah singing during the metro ride; tasted vino during dinner; another scoop of gelato

Monday, October 07, 2013

HRH staycation

Last September, we had a weekend staycation at Hard Rock Hotel at Batu Ferringhi.

The girls had a rockin' good time in the kids room of the Lil Rock Suite Courtyard.  Aside from the king size bed, the suite has an adjacent kids room which has a single bed with a pullout, headboard bookshelves, several stuffed toys and two big bean bags (Reena's fave).  It opens up to a courtyard with a mini playground which became Sarah's happy place.

The girls enjoyed the room so much, we ended up staying indoors till night time.  We ordered room service for dinner.  Then a quick walk at the lobby to check out the lobby lights and take some snapshots before crashing in.

Afterwards a good breakfast at the Pizzeria, we changed to swimwear and stayed in the poolside till our late checkout.  Throughout the day, I took a few laps while Ravi minded the girls.

This is our second staycation, and we had a rockin' time once again!  

Sister moments
The girls enjoyed the kids room a lot!
Walking out in the beach front during sunset.
A few shots at the lobby at night.
Reena photos
Sharing a strawberry milkshake and enjoying the pool
They sure had fun!
My two girls - Reena and Sarah
It surely was Hard Rock fun!

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Sarah - 2 years Q3 update

My tutu tot before her class started

Quarterly faves.
1. Nail polish.  Learned from her mother and sister, enough said.
2. Water color. She enjoys water coloring so much, she wouldn't want to play outdoors!
3. Modeling compound.  We've been enjoying making fruits, animals, food and lots more.  I got her some good quality stuff (minus the steep price tag of Play Doh!) at Young Ones, a local school supply shop.   We make sure she washes her hands really well after every clay session.
4.  "It's dangerous!" and "oh my god" are what we hear from her lately.

Biking...with training wheels.
This month, Sarah finally got enough leg power to pedal her bike.  We'll give her a year or two to master the steering and pedalling before we take off the training wheels.  For now, she's happily cruising at the hallways and the playground area.

Fewer of these bad boys - vomit and constipation, hurray!
Vomiting has been a constant thing with her, with cries and coughs as trigger points.  Her pediatrician said she'll outgrow it, and it seems to be as lately the vomit monster has not been showing up.  As for the other villain, we've been giving Sarah daily doses of blended fresh fruits plus natural laxatives and probiotics.  She's passing motion almost daily, which is a big improvement from her previous once-in-3-days schedule.

She's starting to say the darndest things, here's a few:
1. When I scold her when she's being naughty, she'll quip "Mama, don't angry Sarah" then followed by "Sorry Mama, sorry."
2. While on Skype with my family, I asked Sarah to show her toys to her cousin Sofi.  She immediately gathered her toys around and said,  "Sofi, don't take Sarah's toys, it's dangerous!"
3. "Daddy, close the door."  After her father did, Sarah said, 'That's right."
4. Once when Sarah was having a mild diarrhea, our househelp asked her, "How's your tummy now Sarah?" and she replied, "My tummy's nice."  Throughout the day Ann asked her the same question.  Finally Sarah has had enough and said, "Ate Ann, stop asking!"
5.  Ravi ate the wantan mee I bought for Sarah.  Sarah turned to her father and said, "Daddy, don't eat my noodles next time k?  Daddy eat the spicy noodles, don't eat my noodles k?" :)