Saturday, February 23, 2013

Lunch at Chinahouse

Georgetown, Penang
Feb. 16, 2013

We met up with Donald, Lhet & Raine for lunch.   Ordered the beef pie and ginger pesto pasta which were not that great, given the price.  Desserts were excellent though, they sure made up for the mildly disappointing main courses.

After lunch, we explored around and took lots of pictures.  Sarah and Raine enjoyed themselves very much, running and jumping like bunnies. 

Clockwise from top left: Beef pie, ginger pesto pasta, tiramisu, chocolate cake
Stair poses by two cutie pies
Having fun with hanging ang pao wishes.  One of the chefs came out and kinda scolded us for letting the girls play with the 'wishes', of course we asked the girls to stop.
"Mama, look, wash hands!"
If you want to play, we'll get you to play when you grow up a bit more.
Balancing as she walks.
Mother and child by the green door
My happy, little monkey is growing so fast!
Hugs and kisses by the stairs...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ravi's birthday

48 is Daddy's magic number this year :)

We had a very low key birthday celebration at home with Sarah doing the honors of blowing the candles.  Ravi didn't want a birthday lunch or dinner, so we just stayed at home.

The little one was more excited with the cake :)
Helping blow out Daddy's cake
Daddy's best gift!  We recycled Sarah's birthday balloons :)
Cake cutting ceremony.  See that small pink balloon?  That's Sarah's gift to her dad :)

Monkey Beach weekend

One of the nice things about living in an island is that beach tripping is such an easy thing to do.  We did just that during Ravi's birthday weekend as he wanted to celebrate at Monkey Beach, situated at the northern part of the island.

The return boat fare was RM80 for all of us - 4 adults and 2 children.  I made oven baked pork ribs the previous day which we packed up as well as juice drinks, soda and beers.  We bought chicken and duck rice along the way.

Reena and Sarah enjoyed the water, riding the waves and splashing about.  Vishnu as usual was busy with looking for sea creatures.  Ravi brought along a couple of books   I jet skied for the second time (which I enjoyed immensely!)  The boys also tried the all terrain vehicle (ATV) ride at the jungle area. 

Monkeys started appearing late in the afternoon to look for food.  They were a bit scary as they were aggressively going through people's things. We have to throw sticks and stones and shout at them. 

All in all, it was a fun 4 hour stay at the beach. We'll see you soon Monkey beach!
'Twas a nice weather that day
my little monkey
Waiting for the next wave
Loved it the second time around!
Love ko 'to

Nap time
Playing with my 'glasses'
Monkeys on the beach
Siblings Vishnu, Reena and Sarah
Sarah was swaying the hammock while singing to Reena = sister love!

Our future veterinarian

Friday, February 01, 2013

Playdate #2 with Raine

January 25, 2013

We met Lhet and Raine at their apartment then hopped over to the neighborhood playground, where the two girls played.  When mosquitoes started to make their presence felt, we moved indoors.  The mommies had a good chat during the entire playdate while the girls were busy playing with each other. 

Raine and Sarah are the only girls in the same age group as most of their playmates are either older boys (3-7+years) or younger kids (1+ year), so they seem to really enjoy their girl playdates :)
Sarah tried out the chin up bar for the first time :)
Seesaw, swing and frisbee
Play kitchen