Sunday, September 09, 2012

Lullabies for Sarah

Singing is part of my life.  My mother, who was a Music teacher for most of her teaching career, introduced me and my siblings to the world of music during our time inside her tummy.

The day I found out I was pregnant, I started selecting songs for the bunny inside me much like how my mother did.  My colleagues would find me working in the lab with headphones stuck on my ears, singing softly or humming or chuckling when I listen to the crazy The Morning Rush duo Chico and Delamar.  I listened to a variety of music - classical, pop ballads, jazz, a little bit of rock, the better to expose my bunny to different sounds and tunes.

When Sarah came out, it was not very hard to get her to sleep as she was not a crier in the first place. Of course I sang her to sleep.  Sometimes it's just simply to get her to hear my singing voice, she's got no choice anyway hahaha

Lately my lullabies have narrowed down to five favorites, arranged in the order of the most sung:
1. Rock a Bye Baby
2. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
3. Ako ay May Lobo
(very slow tempo)
4. Bahay Kubo (very slow tempo)
5. Leron, Leron Sinta (
very slow tempo), seldom used lately

I've included native Filipino songs on my lullaby list so Sarah would learn the language through songs.  Believe me, those three Filipino songs work well as lullabies!  I feel good when she falls asleep as I softly sing my lullaby songs.  

A few strokes on her head/hair and several small kisses and she's off to dreamland.  I love being a mom!