Monday, August 22, 2011

w r i t i n g

I miss writing.  I used to do a lot of writing on notebooks for lessons, different sized pad papers for quizzes, manila papers and cartolinas for projects, and of course doodles on any writing space during boring class lectures! :)

My cursive handwriting used to be pretty good, if I may say so myself.  It's not so nice anymore because nowadays, all writing I get done are mostly a few notes here and there. 
I’m embarking on another(!) project - to write more often on paper.  Let's see how well I'll do by the end of the year.


I’ll let you in a secret.  I still send out greetings cards for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Valentines, and all other occasions.  I like writing personal messages (sometime with some artwork on the side!) on the cards.  Of course I love receiving greeting cards too! 
Sadly the greeting card collection here in Penang is very limited.  I'm guessing though that it's the same for most bookstores anywhere else. 
I miss the good old times when people take time to carefully read through many greeting cards in the bookstore, searching for that perfect card to give to a friend, a family member or to someone special.  Now, it just takes a few minutes (even seconds) to write in a facebook message, send email or an e-card, and twit (for those who are into twitter) to greet people.  Tsk, tsk, tsk!

How Sarah was during the trips...

Sarah was a very easy baby during our trips to Singapore and Manila.  I didn't have a hard time with her, even with 25kg of luggage, a baby bag and her stroller in tow!  She was behaved during immigration queues, flight connections, even during Mommy's toilet breaks!  Only one time she cried, which was before our Manila-KL departure flight.  She was sleepy and was in a cranky mood.  By boarding time though, she was fast asleep. 

For the both trips, I brought along a pacifier (which my husband and I don't advocate) to help with the pressure.  It ended up not being used as Sarah slept through during take offs and touch downs.  She's such a darling 'no? =)