Friday, May 13, 2016

Siblings' visit Part 5: Chang Puak Elephant Camp

The next day, we made arrangements with our tuk tuk driver (the same one the previous night) to take us to several tourist attractions.  First stop was at Chang Puak Elephant Camp.

We did the elephant ride, a 20 minute trek along a nature trail with a small pond to pass through. Guests sit on a chair placed on top the gentle animals' back.  There were lots of thick blankets and padding between the chair and the elephant's skin for protection.

While waiting for our turn, my brother Rap, Sarah and Sofi fed the elephants with a bucket of bananas which costs THB100 (RM11.40 or $2.80).  Elephants who just completed the trail are guided into a feeding area.  They seemed happy to get snack treats.

Jing and Sofi rode together while Sarah and I were on another elephant.  Mitch stayed with Rap, who was too scared to ride. It was nice of them to refund the two tickets when we explained that my special brother, who was initially excited, became frightened to ride when he got near the elephants.

I like how they run the place, with the animals' well being kept in mind.  The elephants get enough rest in between treks.  Once an elephant drops off guests, they do not use the same animal for the next ride. We had to wait quite a bit for our elephants.  And like what I mentioned above, the elephants who just completed a trek are led to the feeding station for guests to feed them, like a reward system :)

Chang Puak Camp
Opens daily from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Moo, ThoongYai, Songkhla, Thailand
Contact number: 074-446-446

Choose your activities.
Grounds are clean and well maintained
Information and payment counter
First glimpse of the elephants!  These animals just came from a trek.
Sarah and Sofi fed bananas to a gentle elephant.
My brother Rap bravely fed the elephant too!   But he was scared to ride one though.

Waiting for our turn at the elephant station
The trail was dry and brown.  Effects of El Nino :(
There was a small pond which the elephants dipped into.  It was pretty exciting!
Jing and Sofi on their elephant.  Love how Sofi placed her legs on the chair, like a royal princess =)
Sarah and I with our elephant guide.

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