Thursday, October 01, 2015

Boracay 2015: Puka Beach

We hailed a pedicab along the main road of Station 3 en route to Puka beach.  We took 2 pedicabs to accommodate our group.  I made arrangements with Puka Grande Restaurant for lunch.  Food tasted great but on the expensive side.  Coming back, we asked to be dropped off at Wily's Rock at Station 1 for the grotto visit and Jonah's famous fruit shakes.

On a pedicab towards Puka beach
Welcome sign
Signage made of wood
Shell curtains
Funny Jing
Abet's wacky jumpshot 
 My own jump shot
Tiya Tita, Jing and Abet's group jump shot
Sarah also wanted to try, but of course.
'Helping' dock the boat :)
Simple shaded huts for rental, P50 per day.
Sarah and I on the Puka sign
Our hut costs P100/day, it was nearer the entrance. 
Lunch!  Grilled pork, spicy chicken adobo, grilled squid, mixed veggies, noodles & rice.
Group shot at lunch
With these two cutie pies =)
Buried in sand.
The senior citizens enjoying the sand =)
The fruit shakes are crazy good!   We tried banana chocolate, mango, avocado.  They were all good, but the avocado shake is my personal favorite.
Jing, Sofi and Rap at the Grotto
Token shot at the busy Grotto
Group shot at a Boracay sandcastle.  Tipped the local boys P100 for this shot.
Rap wants his picture alone :)
On our way back to Station 3.  Halfway through, we took pedicabs.
Mr. Egg walking ahead of us.  Look at the coconut leaves, the wind was pretty strong during late afternoons.

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