Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Traffic-free weekend at Cameron Highlands

Cameron Highlands
September 4-6, 2015

Ravi impulsively rounded us up for a weekend trip to Cameron Highlands last month.  Reena was able to join us, her mother allowed her to skip her Saturday tuition class.  We drove right after work that Friday and reached the Smokehouse Hotel around 11pm.

Ye Olde Smokehouse  - our favorite place to stay at Cameron Highlands
Charming English style building with lovely gardens
A hearty breakfast started our Saturday morning.

New experiences made this trip memorable for everyone.  There was a great strawberry farm very near our hotel.   Previous farms we visited were on the small side which didn't have a lot of fruits for picking.  We came early to beat the weekend crowd and ended up having the strawberry farm to ourselves.  Reena and Sarah loved it!

Clockwise from top: Neat rows of strawberries, ripe berries, new fruits coming out.

We drove up to Gunung Brinchang, the highest mountain in Malaysia accessible by car.  Admittedly the road condition was pretty rough on some parts but we made it alright.  We climbed on a wooden viewing platform and saw the surrounding hills and valleys before the fog set in.

Clockwise from top left: Mount Brinchang at 2032m signage, the wooden viewing tower, Reena at the top.

Valley views.
Sarah at the viewing tower.
The fog crept by pretty fast, blocking the surrounding views!
We had a stopover at the Mossy Forest on our way back.  An elevated walkway within the forest stops after a few hundred meters and the more adventurous continues on foot to explore more.

Signage by the entrance.

Roots as stairs.

Well maintained walkway, thumbs up!
Some parts of the mossy forest look spooky.

The next day was spent at the hotel gardens and at Boh Tea Center before heading back.  We reached Penang safely by 8pm.  A great weekend escape!

On the way up to the tea center.
Cliff-side Boh Tea Center
Very scenic plantation view from the tea center.

Sarah and Reena among the tea leaves.
Tea time at the center's restaurant.  
Reena and Sarah exploring the restaurant area while waiting for our food.
Poster information all about tea.
Buying tea products.
Picking tea leaves on our way back.
See you next time Boh Tea Center!

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Boracay 2015: Runs

I did one (morning) run while in Boracay.   Starting from Station 3, I ran barefoot on the sand all the way to the end of Station 1.  I made a u-turn and ran all the way to the end of Station 3 and back in front of our resort.  Clocked in 7.4km on my Runkeeper app.

End of White Beach at Station 1.
Looking out towards Boracay's Main Beach.  On the way back to Station 3.
End of White Beach at Station 3.
Barefoot running on Boracay is a memorable experience :)

Boracay 2015: Fun in the sand

On our last morning after breakfast, we walked to the end of Station 3. We passed by a group of local kids playing on a simple rope swing.  It looked sooo fun that we queued up to try it out.

Yummy breakfast at Sunny Side Cafe, big servings!
Happy faces while on a hammock.
My sister Jing was the first to swing away!
Sarah tried too :)
Reached the end of White beach at Station 3  
Sofi and Lola Merly
Superhero Sarah!
Mama's jump shot :)
Playing on a tire swing this time.
My sister Abet showing off her moves.
Sofi overcame her fear and tried the tire swing as well.
On the way back, I tried the rope swing myself :)
Not to be outdone, Lola Merly gave it a shot too! 

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Boracay 2015: Puka Beach

We hailed a pedicab along the main road of Station 3 en route to Puka beach.  We took 2 pedicabs to accommodate our group.  I made arrangements with Puka Grande Restaurant for lunch.  Food tasted great but on the expensive side.  Coming back, we asked to be dropped off at Wily's Rock at Station 1 for the grotto visit and Jonah's famous fruit shakes.

On a pedicab towards Puka beach
Welcome sign
Signage made of wood
Shell curtains
Funny Jing
Abet's wacky jumpshot 
 My own jump shot
Tiya Tita, Jing and Abet's group jump shot
Sarah also wanted to try, but of course.
'Helping' dock the boat :)
Simple shaded huts for rental, P50 per day.
Sarah and I on the Puka sign
Our hut costs P100/day, it was nearer the entrance. 
Lunch!  Grilled pork, spicy chicken adobo, grilled squid, mixed veggies, noodles & rice.
Group shot at lunch
With these two cutie pies =)
Buried in sand.
The senior citizens enjoying the sand =)
The fruit shakes are crazy good!   We tried banana chocolate, mango, avocado.  They were all good, but the avocado shake is my personal favorite.
Jing, Sofi and Rap at the Grotto
Token shot at the busy Grotto
Group shot at a Boracay sandcastle.  Tipped the local boys P100 for this shot.
Rap wants his picture alone :)
On our way back to Station 3.  Halfway through, we took pedicabs.
Mr. Egg walking ahead of us.  Look at the coconut leaves, the wind was pretty strong during late afternoons.